A game add-on is a custom concentration game for Easy MEMOry. When you create a game add-on, players can play with it as a new concentration game. You can customize many things:
It is very easy to customize the pictures on the cards and the picture on the back of the cards. Just add your own photos and start playing. But if you want to customize other aspects of the game, you will need to create two text files : Cards.txt and Games.txt. (See below)
Very important: In order to create a game add-on, you must create a sub-folder with the name of your choice, and place it in the EasyMemory/Planches folder. This is where you will place the files for your customized add-on.
You can create your own game add-on, with only a sub-folder and a picture collection.
If you want customize it more, such as a background picture, help text, etc, you have to create Games.txt and Cards.txt files. All parameters are listed below.
The easiest way to do that is using GamesBuilder the free tool provided with Easy MEMOry Pro.
A card can be a picture alone or a picture with:
If all you want to do is add your own pictures to the game, just choose your pictures, reduce them all to the same size, then place them into your sub-folder.
If you want to add sounds, text or comments, you will have to create a Cards.txt file (Cards.dat in earlier release) in addition to adding your pictures.
You can create a game add-on of completely different cards (a house, a plane, a boat...) or use a theme (country flags, celebrities, famous paintings...). You should have enough cards to allow players to play with a lot of cards on the screen even in high resolution (1024*768 or higher) and to play different games without the same picture coming back too often.
Correct format for pictures is jpg or gif (with uses of transparency)
Correct format for sounds is sun format (.au file with 8khz and Mu-Law 8bit sub-format)
The help comments displayed with cards (during the game or at the end) are displayed at the bottom of the window in the freeware release (text format). With shareware release, you can also display this text in html format on the left of the Easy MEMOry Pro window or on a floating popup window. See [Game text] and [End text] in Cards list format.
The picture for the back of your cards must be the same size as your largest picture.
If you don't want to create a Games.txt file you must use the gif format and name it: z_dos.gif. Otherwise, you can use gif or jpg format and name it as you want (the name must begin with z_, see Games.txt format below).
Cards must be described in a text file named Cards.txt. You can create it with Notepad.
The first line of this file must be "STRUCT_VERSION=700". Then you add a line for each card. Structure of the line is:
[ID]=[Pict];[Sound];[Card text];[Game text];[later];[End text];[later]
There should not be any space around the = and ; signs.
Sample from Cries of the animals Cards.txt:
You can create your own game add-on, with only a sub-folder and a picture collection.
If you want customize it more, such as a background picture, help text, etc, you have to create Games.txt and Cards.txt files. All parameters are listed below.
The easiest way to do that is using GamesBuilder the free tool provided with Easy MEMOry Pro.
[ID] | Unique identifier for this card. |
[Pict] | Filename of the picture of the card (jpg or gif format). It can not begin with z_ |
[Sound] | Filename of the sound of the card. The sound is played when the card is displayed. (.au file with 8khz and Mu-Law 8bit sub-format) |
[Card text] | Text displayed above card picture using CardFont property in your scenario or game add-on properties (see Game add-on structure and Scenarios). (Html tags allowed, see complete list in Appendices/HTML Tag List) |
[Game text] | Comment text displayed during the game when the player clicks on a card displayed on the screen. See below game_TextMode in Game add-on structure to select how to display this text. (Html tags allowed, see complete list in Appendices/HTML Tag List) |
[End text] | Comment text displayed at the end of the game when the player clicks on a card displayed on the screen. See below game_EndTextMode in Game add-on structure to select how to display this text. (Html tags allowed, see complete list in Appendices/HTML Tag List) |
[later] | Not used in Easy MEMOry v6.20 - Future uses. |
You can add a background picture to your add-on. Your cards will be displayed on a background of your choice instead of the default wood background.
You have to choose the type of your background: mosaic picture or unique picture. Then find or create the background picture file. You must rename the background picture z_Background.jpg and move it into your game add-on sub-folder. Then, add the following properties in your Games.txt file. (see properties table below, Games.dat in earlier release)
You can also change Easy MEMOry buttons. You need 2 pictures (up and down) in gif or jpeg format in your game add-on sub-folder. Your pics need enough space for button labels (115x15 pixels). Add the game_Button property in your Games.txt file. (see properties table below)
Sample from Sweets Games.txt:
You can add specific sounds for your game add-on. Players will hear your sounds and not the default sounds when they play with your add-on. You can add 3 sounds or only 1 or 2.
The 3 possible sounds are:
To add a sound, find or create it in Sun format (.au 8khz and Mu-Law 8bit sub-format) then put the .au file in the folder of the game add-on. Then add the good properties (game_SoundOK, game_SoundBad or game_SoundEnd) with the sound filename in the Games.txt file.
A game add-on must be described in a text file named Games.txt. You can create it with any simple text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit.
The first line of this file must be "STRUCT_VERSION=700". Then you add a line for each property. Structure of the line is:
[property name]=[property value];[value2];...
There should not be any space before or after the =. Add-on properties are listed in the following table (be careful, they are case sensitives). All of them begin with game_. In the Games.txt file you can have other lines beginnings with figure, there are scenarios lines. (see below for scenario structure)
Some properties need more than one value, like CardFont, values are separated by a semi-colon.
You can create your own game add-on, with only a sub-folder and a picture collection.
If you want customize it more, such as a background picture, help text, etc, you have to create Games.txt and Cards.txt files. All parameters are listed below.
The easiest way to do that is using GamesBuilder the free tool provided with Easy MEMOry Pro.
Property | Value | Description |
game_TitleUS Needed |
Text | English title for the game add-on. |
game_TitleFR Needed |
Text | French title for the game add-on. |
game_Author | Text | Your name, as it will appear in the About this set window. |
game_Email | Your email address, so the users of your add-on can email you (About this set window) | |
game_Website | URL | Your website url, so the users of your add-on can visit your homepage (About this set window) |
game_Version | Text | Version number of your add-on, you can also add the date. |
game_SoundOK | .au filename | Filename of the sound you will hear each time you succeed in choosing a group of matching cards (eg OK.au) |
game_SoundBad | .au filename | Filename of the sound you will hear each time you choose a group with non matching cards (eg Bad.au) |
game_SoundEnd | .au filename | Filename of the sound you will hear when you have found all groups of cards (eg End.au) |
game_BackCard | .gif or .jpg filename | Filename of the picture displayed on the back of your cards. |
game_Level | 1 to 5 |
This is to indicate if your add-on is a very specialized game add-on (value 5) or a
general game add-on (value 1). A game add-on with very different pictures (tree, animal, house...) will be very general and take the value 1. A game add-on with very similar pictures (like different Persian cats) will be very specialized and take the value 5. |
game_BackgroundAlignH Needed for background |
Choose MOSAIC if you want your picture displayed on all the background in
a mosaic mode. Otherwise choose the horizontal alignment for your picture. Of course, if you don't add a background picture, you don't have to add this property. |
game_BackgroundAlignV | MOSAIC / TOP / CENTER / BOTTOM |
With this property you can choose the vertical alignment of your picture. CENTER by default. Use this property only if the game_BackgroundAlignH is not MOSAIC. |
game_BackgroundColor Needed for background |
red,green,blue with each of the 3 values between 0 and 255 |
Useful if you add a picture with an alignment different from MOSAIC. You can have
the rest of the screen of the same color as the sky of your picture for example. Use the RGB value for your color. (ex: game_BackgroundColor=255,0,0 for red color). OR #ff0000 for red. |
game_BackgroundLight | 0 to 255 | In the dialog box, like About Set..., text can be difficult to read over your background. You can also solarize your background in this kind of dialog box. Try different values until the text becomes readable. |
game_CardFont | Font used to display text above picture on cards | |
Font Name; | see complete list in Appendices/Fonts | |
Font Size; | Font size in pixel (sample: 10 for small text, 18 for normal text…50 for big text) | |
Font Color | Font Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color) | |
game_Button | Create your own buttons instead of default Easy MEMOry buttons. | |
Image Up | Image displayed when the button is up (gif or jpeg format and starts with z_). or Classic for standard buttons or Light for grey buttons. |
Image Down | Image displayed when the button is down, ie when you click on it (gif or jpeg format and starts with z_)
For Classic buttons, put here the button color in html format. |
Center X | x center position for text. Default x= center of the picture. | |
Center Y | y center position for text. Default y= center of the picture. | |
Delta X | x offset to write button label when button is down. | |
Delta Y | y offset to write button label when button is down. | |
Color Up | Font Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color)
Used by Image and Classic buttons to draw text when button is up. |
Color Down | Font Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color)
Used by Image and Classic buttons to draw text when button is down. |
Font Name | see complete list in Appendices/Fonts | |
Font Style | font style : BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD-ITALIC or nothing | |
Font Size | Font size in pixel (sample: 10 for small text, 18 for normal text…50 for big text) | |
game_ButtonLeftMargin | Pixels |
With this parameter you could set a magin at the left of the left button. So you could easily align button and toolbar icons. |
game_TextMode |
Select the way the [Game Text] of the cards will be displayed
during the game. In the freeware release, only the Bottom and
None values are available. Tip: TextMode can be defined here for all scenarios and/or re-defined at scenario level, see below Scenarios. |
None / Bottom / Fixed / Float |
No text displayed. Text displayed in text format at the bottom. Text displayed in html format on the left. Text displayed in html format on a popup window. |
Width | Width of the html area. | |
Height | Height of the html area. | |
Background | Background color of the html area in html format (ex FF0000 for red) | |
Font Name | see complete list in Appendices/Fonts | |
Font Size | Font size in pixel | |
Font Color | Font Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color) | |
game_EndTextMode |
Select the way the [End Text] of cards will be displayed
at the end of the game. In freeware release, only the Bottom and
None values are available. See game_TextMode above for paramaters details. Tip: EndTextMode can be defined here for all scenarios and/or re-defined at scenario level, see below Scenarios. |
game_Plugin_n | Setup additional module running at the end of a game. Not available in freeware release. You could setup many game_plugin line (no more than one par kind of plugins, see sample and plugin table below). If you setup more than one line, you should postfix game_plugin with _n with n from 2 to number of plugins you want, without hole in the sequence. | |
game_Toolbar |
This command allows you to change the default Easy Memory toolbar with
your own pictures. All you have to do is create a picture with the 5 icons
side to side: Players, General Options, Game Options, Add-ons and help.
Default toolbar buttons picture is:![]() |
Image | Picture filename (gif or jpeg format and starts with z_) | |
Width | Icon width (pixel) | |
Height | icon Height (pixel) | |
Filler size | Space between icons in the picture (pixel) | |
Margin | Margin between icons in the toolbar (pixel) | |
Border color | Color used for the border of the icon when it is activate. | |
game_Animation | Easy MEMOry used default animation to display cards when you click on. When you create an addon you could setup the animation with your own parameters, or force the old blink mode. | |
Animation | Name of the animation among the following: CrossFade, CrossRotate, DoubleSplit, PageFlip, ClockWipe, CrossRipple, CrossWobble, ImageScroll, Roll. | |
Time before animation | Waiting time before the animation (ms) | |
Animation time | Time of the animation itself (ms) | |
Time after animation | Waiting time after the end of the animation (ms) | |
Straight mode | Pictures are displayed in forward (STRAIGHT) mode or in backward mode (BACK). | |
Flashing | If flashing is selected (FLASH) the animation is reversed each time it is completed. Not used by Slideshow plugin. | |
Number | Quantity of pics displayed before the animation stopped. Set 0 and animation never stopped itself. We advice you to use an odd number for game_Animation. | |
Color | Color (ARGB format) used to remplace transparency color of your pictures. With 0 you keep transprency, with ffffffff you replace transparency by white, ffff0000 for the red... The used of this parameter is dependent of your images, of their background color, their transparency, of the animation you select... Try to find your best settings... | |
Others | Some animation needs more parameters as showing below. Add its on the same line
than previous parameters with a ; as separator.
game_CoordFont | Setup how the card coordinates will be displayed if the option General / Display card's coordinate is checked. | |
Align H. | Horizontal alignment for the coordinate (LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT). | |
Align V. | Vertical alignment for the coordinate (TOP, CENTER or BOTTOM). | |
Background Color | Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color) to fill the background of the coordinate. Let it blank for transparency. | |
Font Name | see complete list in Appendices/Fonts | |
Font Style | font style : BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD-ITALIC or nothing for plain text. | |
Font Size | Font size in pixel (sample: 10 for small text, 18 for normal text…50 for big text) | |
Font Color | Font Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color) |
Availables plugins in Easy MEMOry PRO release:
Plugin | Paramètres | Description |
Image | 'Image' | This plugin displays a picture at the end of the game and displays a flashing text above. |
Picture | Picture filename (gif or jpeg format and starts with z_) | |
Align H | Horizontal alignment for the picture. See game_BackgroundAlignH above. | |
Align V | Vertical alignment for the picture. See game_BackgroundAlignV above. | |
Background | Background color around the picture, html format (ex FF0000 for red) | |
Speed | Flashing speed (in ms). Set 0 prevent flashing. Set -1 to display cards without waiting. | |
Width | Width of the final screen (in pixel) | |
Height | Height of the final screen (in pixel) | |
Text | Text written above picture (html tags allowed, see complete list in Appendices/HTML Tag List) | |
Solution | 'Solution' | You could only used this plugin with a scenario having a different type and text cards (ie cards with a text displayed). At the end of the game this plugin display all cards played and show the connections. |
Font | Font size in pixel | |
Color 1 | Color used to display text in column 1 (html format, FF0000 for red) | |
Color 2 | Color used to display text in column 2 (html format, FF0000 for red) | |
Color 3 | Color used to display text in column 3 (html format, FF0000 for red) | |
Color 4 | Color used to display text in column 4 (html format, FF0000 for red) | |
Color 5 | Color used to display text in column 5 (html format, FF0000 for red) | |
Slideshow | 'Slideshow' | This plugin display at the end of the game all the cards of the game one by one using the animation defined with this parameter and not the animation of the game. |
Position X | Horizontal offset (pixel) between the middle of the animation and the middle of the previous game or the middle of the end picture. | |
Position Y | Vertical offset (pixel) between the middle of the animation and the middle of the previous game or the middle of the end picture. 'BOTTOM' value is also allowed. The value move the slideshow at the bottom of the Easy MEMOry window. | |
nothing | Not used. Planned for future release. | |
nothing | Not used. Planned for future release. | |
Animation | All parameters of the animation, see game_Animation. Ex: Roll;0;1000;0;;;;20;VERTICAL |
With scenarios you can create sub games of your add-on or even other kind of game. For example with Cries of the Animals there are sound cards and silent cards. So we have scenarios with only silent cards and others with both.
You can create as many scenarios as you want. All you have to do is use the following properties and preface each one with the scenario number. Scenario number must starts to 1 and you don't let gap number between scenarios.
A scenario must be defined for a language, a range of difficulty and a kind of game. Structure for a scenario line is:
There can not be any space around _ = and ; signs.
[Nb] | Scenario number from 1. No gap between number. |
[Property] | See property table below. |
[Value] | Property value (see below) |
[Value2] | Some properties needed several values (see below) |
Property | Value Value2 |
Description |
Title | Text | Scenario title |
Lang | US / FR | Scenario language. You can play with it only if you choose the correct language in the File/Language menu. |
Level | 1 to 5 |
This is to indicate if your scenario is very specialized (value 5)
or general (value 1). A scenario with very different pictures (tree, animal, house...) will be very general and take the value 1. A scenario with very similar pictures (like different Persian cats) will be very specialized and take the value 5. |
Begin | 0 | Future uses |
Text | Description of your scenario game. Displayed at the beginning of the game. | |
Diff | 2 to 5 | Difficulty minimum of your scenario. If you enter 3, players can't play your scenario with a difficulty of 2. Be careful, it depends also on your group's size (cf below). |
2 to 5 | Difficulty maximum of your scenario. If you enter 3, players can't play your scenario with a difficulty of 4 or 5. Be careful, it depends also of your groups size (cf below). | |
Type | Identical / Different | Kinds of games. With "Identical" players have to match identical cards. With "Different" players have to match different cards (like a picture and a sound). |
CardFont | Font used to display text above picture on cards when this scenario is played. | |
Font Name | Font name, see complete list in Appendices/Fonts | |
Font Size | Font size in pixel. | |
Font Color | Font Color in html format (ie FF0000 for red color). | |
TextMode |
Select the way the [Game Text] of cards will be displayed
during the game. In freeware release, only the Bottom and
None values are available. See game_TextMode in Game add-on structure above for paramaters details. If TextMode is not defined for a scenario, the default game_TextMode of the game add-on (if any) is used. |
EndTextMode |
Select the way the [End Text] of cards will be displayed
at the end of the game. In freeware release, only the Bottom and
None values are available. See game_TextMode in Game add-on structure above for paramaters details. If EndTextMode is not defined for a scenario, the default game_EndTextMode of the game add-on (if any) is used. |
Plugin_n | Setup additional module running at the end of a game. Not available in freeware release. See game_Plugin_n above (in Game add-on structure). If Plugin_n is not defined for a scenario, the game_Plugin_n is used. | |
Animation | Easy MEMOry used default animation to display cards when you click on. When you create a scenario addon you could setup the animation with your own parameters, or force the old blink mode. See game_Animation above (in Game add-on structure). If Animation is not defined for a scenario, the game_Animation parameter is used. |
After defining scenario properties you have to define groups of your scenario. A group is a set of cards matching each other. Groups are mandatory for "Different" mode. If you don't define Groups for an "Identical" scenario, all cards will be available. You need as many group lines as groups. Structure of a group line:
[Nb]_GR_[Group line]=[Card ID];[Card ID];...
There should not be any space around _ = and ; signs.
[Nb] | Scenario number from 1. No gap between number. |
[Group line] | Group line number from 1 (restart from 1 for each scenario. No gap between number. |
[Card ID] | [ID] of the card as define in Cards.txt above. |
For a scenario Identical you can have only one [card ID] by group line.
For a scenario Different, each group line must have at least as many [card ID] as Difficulty maximum of your scenario.
Scenario example from Cries of the animals Games.txt:
Scenario blank lines for Games.txt:
This file is a text file, updated with notepad for example, which can contain different data. Structure of the line is:
[property name]=[property value];[value2];...
There should not be any space before or after the =. Properties are listed in the following table (be careful, these are case sensitive). The name of this file is EasyMEMOry.ini. It is in the Easy MEMOry main folder
Tip for the PC users: If you installed Easy MEMOry with the auto install file, the EasyMEMOry.ini file is available in the Start / Program / Easy MEMOry menu.
Tag name | Values | Description |
Difficulty | Range 2 to 5 | Selects the difficulty in the Options / Difficulty menu. |
DefaultSize | integer | Sets your favorite size for playing. It's the number of cards on the screen. |
Preview | Selects the preview mode for the Options / Preview menu. | |
None | No preview mode. | |
Fast | Quick mode. | |
Slow | Slow mode. | |
Background | Selects the background mode in the Options / Background menu. | |
None | No pretty background, only light-gray. | |
Standard | Always a pretty wood background. | |
Set | Uses the background provided with each game add-on. | |
HideCard | You could ask Easy MEMOry to hide the cards after few seconds when you failed to discover a pair. Otherwise the cards are shown until you click on an another card. | |
None | Cards are shown until you click on an another card. | |
Fast | Cards are quickly hide. | |
Slow | Cards are slowly hide. | |
GameMode | Selects the kind of game at startup. You can change it with Options/Game. | |
Identical | You play the classic concentration game by matching identical cards. | |
Different | You play advanced concentration game by matching different cards (like an animal and its cry). | |
VanishMode | True / False | Enable vanish mode, the pairs disappear when you find its, or when you complete a group of cards. (shareware release only) |
SoundOK | True / False | Enable sound for good try. |
SoundBad | True / False | Enable sound for bad try. |
SoundEnd | True / False | Enable sound for end of game. |
SetName | _ALL_ or Text | Choose the list of add-ons for your default playlist (see Game add-ons part in
User Manual). You have to use the folder name
of each game add-on separated by comma (e.g. SetName=Felins_portraits,Disney,Mousez). You can also use "_ALL_" for a random selection in all game add-ons available. |
SetFilter | True / False | Restrict (if True) list of available add-ons to the list above (cf SetName). |
ScenarioIdUS ScenarioIdFR |
Number | Select scenario ID for each language. |
PlayerType1 PlayerType2 PlayerType3 PlayerType4 |
Selects the type of each player. | |
None | If this player doesn't play. | |
Human | If this player is a human player. | |
Perfect | If this player is a very clever computer player. | |
Advanced | If this player is a clever computer player. | |
Beginner | If this player is a beginner computer player. | |
FirstGame | If this player is a random computer player. | |
Teacher | If this player is a teacher player. (Shareware only) | |
PlayerName1 PlayerName2 PlayerName3 PlayerName4 |
nothing or Text | Chooses the name for each human player. If this tag is not set, the default name is used (language dependent, eg Player for English, Joueur for French). |
BoutonPlayStop | True / False | Show (true) or Hide the Play/Stop buttons. |
MenuPlayer, MenuVanish, MenuSound, MenuBackground, MenuPreview, MenuGameOptions, MenuGameSet, MenuOptionG, MenuHideCard |
True / False | Show (true) or Hide these menus/options. |
Button | Create your own buttons instead of default Easy MEMOry buttons. These buttons will be available for all game add-ons you could download. See Skin of the game for more info and Game add-on structure/Button for parameters details. | |
Toolbar | You can create your own toolbar and use it instead of default Easy MEMOry toolbar. This tool bar will be used for all game add-on you could create or download from internet. cf. Game add-on structure/Toolbar for all parameters details. | |
GoMode | True / False | Used for online licence. Allow you to replace estimate time left prompt when cards loaded by a count down: 5...4...3...2...1...GO ! |
Animation_n | Animation settings | You could define the animation available in Options / Animation / Default. You could add as much line as you want. Lines are read until the first hole sequence is found. For each line you have to define animation settings as define in game_Animation above. |
CoordFont | Coordinate settings | You could define the way the game coordinate could be displayed with this parameter. See game_CoordFont for all available settings. |
Coordinate | NONE: NUM: ALPHA: |
Coordinates of the cards are not displayed. Coordinates are displayed in numeric format from 1 (top left) to the last (down right) Coordinates are displayed in grid format from A1 for the top left card, B1 for the card below, and so on. You could set this value with the General Option menu. |
Tip: Tag names are case sensitive, but values are not.
Tip: Look at User Manual for more information about options.
Difficulty=2 DefaultSize=10 Preview=None Blink=Fast SoundOK=True SoundBad=True SoundEnd=True VanishMode=True PlayerType1=Human PlayerType2=None PlayerType3=None PlayerType4=None GameMode=Identical SetName=_ALL_ SetFilter=False MenuPlayer=True MenuVanish=true MenuSound=True MenuBackground=True MenuBlink=True MenuPreview=True MenuGameOptions=True MenuGameSet=True MenuOptionG=True BoutonPlayStop=True Skin=Set GoMode=False AnimDefault=1 AnimEnabled=TRUE AnimSkin=TRUE AnimSpeed=NORMAL Animation_1=CrossRipple;0;300;500;;FLASH;3;;60;10 Animation_2=Roll;0;1000;0;;FLASH;3;;20;VERTICAL Animation_3=PageFlip;0;1000;0;;FLASH;3 Animation_4=CrossFade;0;400;400;;FLASH;3 Animation_5=CrossWobble;0;400;400;;FLASH;3;;40;20 Animation_6=DoubleSplit;0;800;0;;FLASH;3;;FADE;OUT HideCard=NONE Toolbar=z_TBMarble.gif;50;50;0;2 Button=z_BtUp.gif;z_BtDw.gif;77;13;2;1;9BDDB3;C5EBD2;Serif;BOLD;14 CoordFont=CENTER;BOTTOM;FFFFFF;Serif;BOLD;;FF0000 Coordinate=NONE
Each user can have custom settings. You have to create more ini files, copy and modify GO_US.html page.
Here's what you have to do:
Tip: With tags SetFilter and SetName (see above) in different ini files, you can create desktop shortcuts for your kids so they do not have access to all games add-ons on your computer.
Tip: You can also use the GameSet applet parameter, so Easy MEMOry will start with a specific add-on. ex: <PARAM name="GameSet" value="Animals">
Tag | Attribute | Description |
B | Bold text | |
BR | Next line | |
CENTER | horizontal center alignment | |
DIV | align | horizontal alignment: left,right or center |
FONT | face | Font name, see above list |
size | Font size in pixel | |
color | Font color, (eg #FF0000 for red color) | |
I | Italicized style |
(c) Bruno Berenguer